One of the most feared words...

Hello Beauties!

Are you ready for one of the most feared words?

Aging...the word that most are fearful to recognize and partner with. The gray strand or strands of hair coming in, weight gain, sagging (and I'm not referencing to pants 😜), skin changes, unwanted hair, hormonal changes, hair loss, mood swings, etc. The list can seem ongoing.


No need to fear! Since the day we were born we began the aging process. It is normal. It is a blessing. It is your gift to the world, and those who you influence. Yes, aging is beautiful. I know this may seem odd coming from a beauty educator and specialist, but again aging is beautiful! Those of us that are 40+ in age, it can be a grace and a platform we use to educate those younger than us. Each new decade that we enter brings on a set of new adventures and challenges. With each new adventure and challenge is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become more beautiful than ever before. It's what I like to think of or call the "Butterfly Revolution". In a sense, we go through cycles much like a butterfly: caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. Preparation, development, and transformation.

I don't have any deep revelation, or any product recommendations that I want to share today. Also, I am not advocating abandoning your beauty routines. Just to make that clear LOL 😉

I just want to let you know that even if you only hear it once..."you're beautiful."

B- beauty
E- elegance
T- talented
I- illuminating
F- fantastic
U- uber
L- lovely

It may be a non-factor or simple to some, but a powerful message to many. True beauty is being comfortable and confident in your own skin no matter your age. Be bold, be kind, be beautiful, be you!

Feel free to share with a daughter, sister, or friend and tell them "they're beautiful."

Equalla 💋


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